Integrated pest management, early intervention, virtuous agronomic techniques, and above all information sharing and coordination of activities to give battle to an insidious disease.

Since 2013, the Consortium for the Protection of Gavi has been the coordinator of the Pilot Project for monitoring Flavescence dorée and its vector insect Scaphoideus titanus in the Gavi DOCG area, under the supervision of the Regional Phytosanitary Sector and in agreement with local Professional Agricultural Organizations.

The complex situation, which requires constant monitoring, has led the Consortium, to confirm a set of basic guidelines for integrated pest management: training-to recognize symptoms and the vector insect; scrupulous adherence to mandatory phytosanitary treatments-from the correct period of intervention to the recommended active ingredient; and good agronomic practices, including timely removal of diseased plants and collaboration with the beekeeping sector to prevent chemical interventions from damaging local biodiversity.


""We are increasingly convinced that the protection of our appellation begins with the protection of our vineyards; older vines not only produce better wines but are also better able to withstand climate change. As the pandemic taught us, even for flavescence dorée the behavior of the individual has consequences for the whole community. Therefore, we have already scheduled for next summer the usual "Flavescence time" event in which about 50 winegrowers participated last year. The sharing of experiences and best practices has increased awareness that only by working together and in one direction can we live with this difficult problem." President Maurizio Montobbio